Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Disable Defenses by Creating Curiosity with Your Marketing


You want your prospects to understand how your products can solve their problems, so they’ll be moved to make a purchase.

But people don’t go from uninterested observers to committed buyers overnight. Asking for a sale is a relational proposition. And relationships have rules. Understanding the stages of a marketing relationship is important because it helps you understand what your sales funnel needs to accomplish.

Just as you wouldn’t propose marriage before a first date, you can’t rush a customer into a purchase.

What do romantic relationships, friendships, and committed customers have in common? They all move through three stages:

1. Curiosity

2. Enlightenment

3. Commitment

People will not want to know more about you (enlightenment) unless they are curious about you. And until they know how you can help them, they will never commit.


Curiosity is a Snap Judgment

The curiosity stage of a relationship is about instant impressions.

Whether you are scanning a print ad or sorting piles of mail, your mind is always evaluating information. Anything not relevant to your survival is perceived as “junk.” You’ll toss it aside completely, or you’ll procrastinate and plan to give it attention later.

At the curiosity stage, prospects decide whether to keep or discard the information you’re offering. At this stage, if you don’t tell somebody how you can make their life better, they will set you aside.

When it comes to marketing – whether it’s the tagline on your direct mail envelope or your entire elevator pitch – you will never succeed if you can’t succinctly express how you will help people survive.

Want to build engagement by provoking curiosity? Get them wondering about something or look for ways to turn information into a quest. A few ideas:

--  Strive to make the information personally relevant

--  Avoid using material that is given away freely elsewhere

--  Use a compelling “missing information” teaser

--  Offer the promise of something worthwhile

--  Combine a curiosity headline with a self-interest subheading

--  Use visuals to suggest or create the perception of mystery

Samples of Curiosity Teasers

  • Learn why you never want to eat this before flying!
  • Is the Honeymoon Over?
  • If You Live in Siberia, This Trick Could Save You Thousands!
  • The Secret of a Clutter-Free Office
  • Why You Don’t Want to Drink the Pool Water
  • Are You Maintaining Your Life or Actually Enjoying It?

Finally, remember to provoke customers with a vision of the “ideal version” of themselves.

Very little of what makes people curious is rational. People don’t buy products or join a movement because they are thinking rationally. They commit based on emotion, status, or dreams of their aspirational identity. If you can stoke curiosity by tugging these heartstrings, you’re already halfway to a sale!

To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit www.printingartspress.com.

#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Key Components of a Good Brand Strategy


Developing a strong brand isn’t as easy as others think.

It’s no secret that consumers purchase based on trust, but how can businesses develop that trust if no one knows who you are? That’s the power of a brand strategy. If you don’t have a strategy in place, it’s like driving on the road with no destination.

The ultimate goal should be getting customers to connect with you, not your logo, not the website, and not the name (even if it’s catchy). A good brand strategy works behind the scenes, providing value that continues after they buy.

Key Components of a Good Brand Strategy


What is the promise to the customer? Why are we in business? Why is it important to us?

These are the driving factors that set businesses apart. Thinking of it in terms of monetary and also non-monetary makes the difference.


While it may sound weird, it’s true.

Customers are emotional about the brands they support because those brands can fully engage with like-minded audiences who believe in their purpose.

When brands connect beyond trying to sell a product or service, they win.


Staying consistent when promoting the brand is vital in getting the audience to remember you.

It doesn’t matter what platform the brand is on; consistency creates harmony, and harmony creates trust.


Brands must be flexible and adaptable to succeed.

There’s power in the pivot. When something isn’t working, being able to quickly adjust and adapt while maintaining consistency can help solidify a brand’s place in the market and create a new customer base.

Involvement From Employees

Brands that take the time to listen to their employees and work in one accord in how the brand is presented go a long way.

If the brand is upbeat, customer service and every employee in the office should follow suit. Again, consistency, consistency, consistency.


When customers are loyal to your brand, you should be just as loyal.

Take the time to create incentives for them to come back. Whether it’s a coupon off or something more elaborate, your appreciation helps those people appreciate you too! A little thanks goes a long way.

Awareness of the Competition

It should go without saying, but sometimes this mindset needs to be reinforced.

You should be learning from the competition. Your goal – offer a better experience in every way.

These are the best ways to create a brand strategy that has longevity and goals you can achieve from the beginning while refining along the way. This is a functional, working part of your marketing strategy that helps you communicate better while attracting and retaining customers.

Every business goes through growing pains, but not having a brand strategy can seriously hurt your chances of making your mark on the industry. With so many ways to connect with different types of customers, the best thing you can do is give yourself a competitive advantage. Your brand strategy can help with that.

So, do you have a brand strategy in place, and is it working?


To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit www.printingartspress.com.

#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Creative Ways To Use Print Marketing to Boost Your Business


There are many ways to increase business through marketing with print.

Although the world has experienced an unparalleled technological revolution, print media’s importance in reaching customers remains an uncontested force.

According to Forbes, print marketing is more recognizable, memorable, and decipherable to consumers than its digital counterpart.  

As old as advertising itself, print media is an invaluable resource. A host of strategies have yielded results over time; however, unique print marketing campaigns have ultimately proven the most successful. 

Utilize Social Media’s Simplistic Design

Most companies have adopted digital media into their marketing repertoire.

Customers enjoy simplistic layouts, separating information and graphics. Plus, it has become a recognizable feature of this media-minded society.  

Easy ways to incorporate digital inspiration into print marketing include (but are not limited to): 

  • Signage on or around your business
  • Business cards
  • Mailing materials
  • Promotional handouts 

Incorporate the Magic of Multiple Mediums

The Louvre famously employed a simplistic roadside billboard campaign in 2017.

It emulated the orientation, scale, and minimalism of a typical social media post that billions of users are familiar with. However, the museum also took the additional step of including non-conventional aspects to complement their high-way gallery. They set their roadside advertisements up to sync with three local radio stations. The audio component allowed drivers to hear a 30-second artist introduction. Along with attracting more visitors, the Louvre also gained international recognition for its creativity. 

There are endless undiscovered frontiers companies are exploring every day.

One of the best parts of print marketing is its versatility. Virtually anything can become a canvas to market your business. Marketing can also be seen in other lights. For example, a print media campaign does not have to include conventional forms of print advertisements.

While signage, business cards, and mailers are fantastic ways to reach customers, marketing can also be done through creative and more indirect ways. 

Printing Is the Best Marketing Route

Regardless of the methods you employ, finding the right printer to begin your next successful and innovative marketing campaign is simple.

To truly transform your business, join forces with an experienced team of print marketers. We're here to help.

To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit www.printingartspress.com.

#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals