Friday, December 17, 2021

Marketing Techniques to Drive Sales for Your Business

Knowing how the human brain works and what drives people to make decisions is immensely beneficial in marketing.

Luckily, there’s much research and information regarding various psychological tips and tricks to drive sales and expand your business. Here are a few.

Cut down on the options

Sometimes too many decisions can cause a customer to shut down, resulting in no sales. 

To avoid this, research your prospective client beforehand to determine what products or services would best suit their needs. When doing the sales pitch, focus on only these to cut down on the options. Even better, you can lump products into packages, so your prospect needs only to make one big purchasing decision instead of multiple small ones. 

No matter what you ultimately pitch to your client, it’s imperative you do so with the correct framing techniques. 


Utilize positive framing

Framing is how the information is presented. 

Positive framing increases sales. Therefore, try to sell your product or service in a positive light by homing in on the benefits. 

However, feelings other than positive ones can be beneficial if framed correctly. 


Fead your prospect’s fear of missing out (FOMO)

People are much more likely to act when they feel if they’re afraid of missing out on a great opportunity. 

Creating the sense of scarcity is an effective way to fuel FOMO within your prospect.  After all, the more rare something appears, the greater in value it becomes. Scarcity also presents a time limit for them to act, prompting them to buy soon. 

If the product or service is scarce because of high customer demand, then even better! The customer will assume the purchase will be a good choice because many other people seem to enjoy it too. 

The sense of scarcity can be artificially generated through limited editions and limited-time sales. 

Sometimes, FOMO is the main driver of a client’s decisions. Sometimes, it’s something else. Getting your client to articulate their thoughts to you can be immensely beneficial for the sales process. 


Get your client to tell you why

This one’s rather sneaky but highly effective because people are more likely to listen to themselves. 

If you can get your client to verbalize why exactly they want the product, then they will, in effect, want it more. To achieve this, ask your client why the product or service appeals to them and what’s holding them back. Your client will be able to tell you, and affirm to themselves, why they want the product or service. If something is holding them back, you will be able to better adjust your strategy.

You can get your client to want your products or services even more through promotional products. 


Give your prospect promotional products

When someone receives a gift, they’ll want to reciprocate the kind action. This makes them more likely to buy from you. 

Promotional products are ideal because not only are you generating a feeling of trust and reciprocity, you’re also advertising your company. The best promotional products are ones that your client will truly enjoy. Therefore, research your target market to create promotional products customized for this group. 

Giving and receiving are beneficial to both parties. Therefore, it’s helpful to get your client to give something as well. 


Ask your client for small favors

Once your client gets in the habit of doing small favors for you initially, they’re much more likely to agree to more significant favors down the road.

This is known as the Ben Franklin Effect. It is named after the founding father Ben Franklin, who, to build rapport, would ask someone for a small favor, such as lending him a book. This small act would generate feelings of warmth and helpfulness. 

In practice, this may look like asking your client to sign up for a free e-letter, share comments on social media, read blog posts, attend free webinars, or download an ebook. Later, when you ask them for something larger, such as to buy a product or service, they’re much more likely to do so. 

Not only will asking your client for small favors prime them for purchases down the road, but the small favors will help your client become more familiar with your business. 


Generate familiarity

Familiarity is good because it creates positive feelings. 

People like the things they are used to. Making your business familiar to your clients will help increase sales because as your business becomes more familiar, it becomes more trustworthy and good in their eyes. However, balance is essential. Too much can lead to oversaturation, which will backfire. Find the middle ground. 

Psychology is a powerful tool for persuasion. The above strategies will greatly help you increase your sales and the growth of your business!


To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit

#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals

Friday, December 10, 2021

3 Tips to Improve Your Print Marketing Strategy


Print is a powerful marketing tool.

People trust print more. In fact, 82% of consumers say they trust print ads more than digital ones. This is one reason why print helps generate loyal customers. 

Print is also more likely to be noticed and has a higher response rate, growing your client base. Although print is intrinsically powerful, there are actions you can take to grow its effect further. 


Include a Call-to-Action

Perhaps self-explanatory, a call-to-action is when you call on your client to act. 

Call-to-actions are often included within your advertisements. They ask the client to check out the business website, follow the social media account, or sign up for a newsletter. 

Often, customers’ interests are piqued by your print campaign, but they’re not sure what to do next. A call-to-action solves this problem, increasing the likelihood of customer interaction. 

Call-to-actions can reside within a plethora of print forms. 


Utilize a Variety of Print Mediums

Print comes in all shapes and sizes.

Keep your target market interested by adding variety. Brochures, business cards, and postcards are all extremely effective forms of print advertising. 

  • Brochures are small pamphlets that advertise the products and/or services of your business. A compelling design will help keep your customers engaged. Brochures also provide you the opportunity to share your business’s brand with consumers. Your brand is the intangible concept of your business that consumers use to distinguish you from your competitors. Brands are important because people often attach loyalty to brands. 

  • Business cards are small, easy-to-carry cards you can hand out at promotional events. It helps improve the brand recall of prospective customers because these handy business cards stick around the customers’ houses for quite some time. In other words, business cards help customers remember your business. Business cards also help customers stay in touch with you.

  • Postcards are medium-sized cards with a picture or design on the front and a message on the back. They are effective because people are especially attracted to pictures. Just like brochures, these allow you to share your brand with your prospective clients. 

Some forms of print are more effective than others. That’s why it’s important to acquire data. 


Track Your Results

To improve your future print marketing campaigns, it’s imperative that you track the results of your past campaigns. 

Obtaining data will help you pinpoint what went well and what needs improvement. This will significantly help you in the future when you decide what to include. Include more of the factors that were widely successful. For the parts that didn’t go well, you could brainstorm why and how to improve them. Or, you can forgo the faulty technique and bring in another one instead. 

You want your marketing attempts to have the most impact possible. Adding a call-to-action, mixing up your print marketing variety, and tracking your results will help you develop a more effective marketing campaign. 

To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit

#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Re-evaluate Your Time Management Skills

Time management is something we all strive to improve.

When you think you have it down to a science, a big project comes along and stretches us. But we all know that time management is the key to being successful.  

These tips will help you re-evaluate your time management skills in case you have been bombarded by stress.

Delegate. Okay, we said it. Delegation is key but make sure you give the job to the right person so you don’t feel like you have to micromanage them.

Don’t multitask. It feels like we are being more productive, and people often applaud it but don’t fall into the trap of multitasking. Studies show we are actually less productive when we spread our attention among several projects. Instead, make a list of things you need to do and cross them off as you go. That way, you won’t forget a project, but you can get it off your mind right away.

Deal with stress positively. We all get stressed out at times, but it’s how we handle it that counts. Exercise helps us deal with stress in a positive way. Other ways to deal with stress: meditate, call up a friend, listen to a podcast, get outside in nature, and write in a journal.

Set both short- and long-term goals. Your goals should be measurable, specific, relevant, and time-based. For example, if your goal is to get a raise in six months, figure out the specific steps you will need to achieve in order to do this. Then tackle it head-on.

Don’t overbook your calendar. Make sure that not every second of every day is taken. You will need some downtime, as well as time for phone calls and meetings that pop up. This will help you stay on track and not get discouraged when you can’t stick to the actual schedule.

Get up early. Most successful people start their day with a little extra time in the morning. Just getting up half an hour earlier will help you be more productive throughout your day.

Take regular breaks. Schedule these in so you are sure to take them. This ensures you don’t get distracted and helps you push on when you are tempted to look at your phone. Just 10 or 15 minutes is all it takes. You can get something to drink, go for a walk, check your phone, or talk with a coworker or friend.

Say no sometimes. When people ask you to do something, if possible, examine your schedule and workload first. Don’t just take on new assignments that you don’t have to. This also applies to get-togethers as well. If you are busy, don’t feel bad telling someone you are not able to go right now. But be sure to follow up with them later when you are free.

Don’t procrastinate. This is a good rule for both the office and in your personal life. Procrastination causes unneeded stress. We tend to procrastinate when we are overwhelmed or bored. Whatever the case, try to overcome it by making yourself start right away on a task.

Be realistic in how long a task takes. If you have a task to schedule, make sure you accurately estimate the time it takes to accomplish it. Will it take an hour to write that speech? Or will it take a week? Be realistic so you can stay on track.

Time management is something we can all work on daily. It’s important to keep honing those skills because we won’t be successful if we don’t. When you work with us, we will keep you on track with our on-time delivery and great products.

To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit

#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals