What does your marketing plan look like?
Does it include print marketing? What about email marketing?
An approach that combines print and digital marketing, like email, is best to get optimal results for any marketing campaign. Don't forget to include these critical elements in your marketing lineup!
Here are six ways to utilize this multi-channel approach to make your marketing dollars go further.
6 Ways to Combine Print and Email Marketing
1. Reiterate Your Message
Use email to reiterate what you say in your printed pieces.
That way, you will catch their attention no matter their preferred medium.
2. Try Teasers
Send teasers through email, promoting your direct mail that is coming.
Use this technique to announce a big sale or event. Then when your direct mail is delivered, they can get more information about what you are offering them.
3. Get More Subscribers
If someone is on your direct mail list but not on your email list, inform them about your email newsletter by print and ask them to join it.
Encourage this action by offering a special deal, e.g., free shipping, or a freebie, e.g., a digital download, if they subscribe.
4. Consider QR Codes
You can use QR codes in print marketing to send the customer to a landing page.
For example, one where they can subscribe to your email newsletter. Link QR codes in your print marketing to make sign-up easy. QR codes can also direct customers to make a phone call, watch a video, or download an app.
5. Make Communications Personal Across Channels
Technology allows you to personalize both print and email marketing efforts, and doing it across marketing channels shows your consumers that you know them.
You can use Variable Data Printing to create variations in text, colors, graphics, and images of printed materials based on the recipient.
Many email newsletter platforms also allow you to personalize communications using first names and other information stored in your database.
You can further tie the two together using personalized URLs (PURLs). When added to print pieces and emails, PURLs direct customers to landing pages that are highly targeted and customized to them.
6. Create a Print Newsletter
Use email communication to promote short tidbits of what you will discuss in your printed piece. Get their juices flowing and pique their curiosity.
When you combine technology with proven direct mail, your efforts are doubled, and you are more likely to reach your target audience and capture their attention.
You will reach them where they are—either online or through the mail. Tangible mail is overlooked today, but it's important because people like to hold things in their hands. Direct mail provides a physical object more likely to be read than a mass email ad.
No matter what, we will help your printed piece get noticed. Check us out today!
To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit www.printingartspress.com.
#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals