Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How to Chart Your New Future (Part 1)

Irene Obera is an 84-year-old southern California native who loves bowling, tennis, and educating others.

She also happens to be the fastest woman on earth for her age. Irene has been breaking records in Masters athletics for forty years, and her aging philosophies are captured in her own words:
“If you don’t move it, you lose it.”
“A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits – and I want to be a winner.”
Irene is one of many “superagers,” a term for people in their 70s and 80s who have the mental or physical capability of their decades-younger counterparts. Irene serves as an inspiration, not only for the power of dedication but the promise of possibility when we harness our full potential. Living well is a goal we all desire and living fully alive is the essence of life. No matter what our strengths or sphere of influence, each of us has the potential for success and impact. This potential is a treasure that should be uncovered, protected, and stewarded!

Shake Off That Slump

Then what do you do when you’ve hit a slump? When complacency has settled like fog, or when you want to grow but feel stifled professionally (or personally) at almost every turn?

Maybe you’re satisfied, but not feeling sufficiently challenged in your daily tasks. What should you do?

Here’s the truth: small adjustments DO make an impact. But we tend to enjoy comfort and resist change, making it harder and harder to change gears.

So, how can we move forward in a positive way that will impact us for years to come?

It Starts with Education

An easy place to start is where many of us began: with education. Education is a gift! The opportunity to learn can unlock our potential, grow our social circle, reap financial rewards, and energize our mind, careers, and health! Consider this statistic:

The Rush Memory and Aging Project, conducted in 2012 in Chicago with more than 1,200 elders participating, showed that increased cognitive activity in older adults slowed their decline in cognitive function and decreased their risk of mild cognitive impairment. The study showed that cognitively active seniors, whose average age was 80, were 2.6 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and dementia than seniors with less cognitive activity. Studies also show that educated people tend to enjoy better mental health, increased emotional well-being, and expanded opportunities.

Add Spring to Your Step

Whether you desire personal or professional development, growth of any kind has the potential to chart a new course for your future.

Ready to increase your mental capacity, improve your quality of life, and enrich your emotional health? In this two-part series, we’ll look at four avenues for gaining ground that will enrich your life and expand your opportunities.

1. Stretch Yourself. 

The first step in continued growth is your own buy-in.

Take ownership over your desire to develop and look for new challenges, side projects, or free professional development opportunities offered in or outside your company. Seek out webinars and podcasts on a weekly basis or consider short online courses. Be curious about aspects of the workplace that don’t directly affect your job. Ask questions and get involved where you might not otherwise. When you show others that you are interested in learning, it communicates a proactive spirit and opens invisible doors to future opportunities.

Living fully engaged brings richness and reward. Join us for part two of this series, as we look at four more avenues for personal and professional development that can bring impact for decades to come!

To contact Chuck Gherman for more information about how Printing Arts Press helps organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through print communications please visit www.printingartspress.com.

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To address climate change, we must use more wood, not less. Dr. Patrick Moore, Co-Founder, Greenpeace

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Make a Big Impact with Foldable Printed Mailers

Creating a printed mailer is one of the best ways to get your message across to a wide variety of individuals, but how can you be sure that your message isn't lost among the raft of bills and magazines that tend to litter every mailbox in America?

Creating a unique design is great for a traditional message or a sale. Foldable printed mailers are a fun way to get your creative message out into the marketplace by designing something unexpected that will surprise and delight your audience.

Here are a few ways that you can create wonder and excitement with your next printed promotional mailing.

3D Folded Materials

Are you sending an open house announcement to a select few individuals and including the media?
Influencers such as bloggers and media personalities are a great way to get free promotion for your brand, but these people are also inundated with others who are also trying to recruit them.

An interactive 3D folded mailer can catch the eye of the most jaded recipient, encouraging them to open and play with your delivery. Don't think simply about a tri-fold brochure -- today's 3D mailers can be created in nearly any size, shape or design -- these are limited only by your imagination.

Creating Your Designs

You may already have an idea in mind, but if not, let us work with you to share some of the innovative new designs that are available.

You can start with a concept of what you're trying to accomplish. Perhaps you're launching a new product, introducing a sale on high-end goods and services or opening a new store. These are all ideal opportunities to create buzz and excitement in your audience with new textures, bright colors, and interesting shapes. Sketch out your ideas and see how we can partner with you to bring them to life in full, living three-dimensional color!

Creative Idea Starters

Looking for a creative way to package a sample product?

Three-dimensional folded mailers can be created and frame your product to allow it the impact that you need when the package is opened by your recipient. Nestle a business card or discount card within a mailer, or add an aura of intrigue by requiring the receiver to unwrap the "package" before discovering what is hiding within.

Foldable mailers can be made into the shape of your product, too, so you're essentially creating a 3D replica of your product with paper. Mailers can be printed with foil accents for added luster and shine, printed in single colors, or even printed in full color for a "living" design that will really make an impression.

Box it Up

Boxes in different shapes and sizes are another popular way to print and fold your message. Blank cardboard boxes with included materials are a waste of prime advertising real estate. When you use a box of an unusual shape or size, you intrigue the recipient and encourage them to take the few moments necessary to open the package. Then, the materials you've placed inside have a better chance of catching their eye and causing them to take action!

Foldable printed and three-dimensional mailers can be as simple or as complicated as you need them to be. When you work with us, you'll find the creativity and suggestions that you need to create the perfect promotional vehicle for your message!

To contact Chuck Gherman for more information about how Printing Arts Press helps organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through print communications please visit www.printingartspress.com.

#print #directmail #printmarketing #marketing #printing #mail #banners #mail

To address climate change, we must use more wood, not less. Dr. Patrick Moore, Co-Founder, Greenpeace

Monday, November 5, 2018

Printing Arts Press wins Print Excellence Awards & MAME Award

November 2018 — Printing Arts Press is proud to announce Awards won in 2018.

Printing Arts Press received 2 Silver and 6 Bronze PIANKO Print Excellence Awards for Annual Reports, Calendars, Newsletters and Environmentally Sound Materials. Each year, Printing Industries of Ohio and Northern Kentucky holds its Print Excellence Awards Competition to reward Ohio and northern Kentucky printers that demonstrate excellence in 35 categories judged by 2 out of state experts according to Association president Jim Cunningham. PIANKO is an affiliate of the national Printing Industries of America, the largest Graphic Arts Association in the world established in 1887.

The Marketing and Merchandising Excellence (MAME) Award by the Building Industry Association of Central Ohio honors the top achievers in the new home industry with Printing Arts Press proudly receiving the Best Email Newsletter Award again. According to Linda Winrod, Marketing & Membership Sales Director, sales and marketing award winners cross all BIA membership ranks.

About Printing Arts Press — For over 70 years, from creative design to marketing to printing publications, books, postcards, envelopes, manuals or brochures etc. and mailing services we’re able to meet our central Ohio clients’ printing, marketing and mailing needs with easy online ordering and fast results while generating cost savings. Please visit our website at www.printingartspress.com/feature/company-history/ for more company history and information.

For more information, please contact — Chuck Gherman, General Manager and President at Printing Arts Press and 2019 Board Chairman of PIANKO, www.printingartspress.com Visit our “Word on the Street Blog” at www.printingartspress.blogspot.com and LinkedIn.

About the BIA —Since 1943, the Building Industry Association (BIA) has represented family homebuilders, suppliers and service professionals throughout our region. www.biahomebuilders.com..

About Printing Industries of Northern Kentucky/Ohio —For complete information on PIANKO and PIA, please visit www.printing.org.

#print #directmail #printmarketing #marketing

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