Try a newsletter when you need to get the word out fast, professionally, and efficiently.
Not only will you have more space for getting your point out, but it also reminds people regularly that you're ready to do business.
Newsletters are a customizable, affordable, and accessible type of marketing communication.
There are many ways to make your newsletters effective. And it's time to realize that newsletters are essential to effective email marketing and branding.
Ignoring them can restrict brands from growth.
7 Top Tips for Print and Email Newsletter Marketing
1. Logo placement
Ensure your logo is front and center on the newsletter's first page or header so that recipients don't have to guess (or hunt) for that information.
2. White space
Make sure you don't cram all your great ideas into one newsletter.
Instead, use white space frequently so that it doesn't look crowded.
3. Keep it simple
Don't try to tackle too much detail in your articles.
Keep it reader-friendly. This makes the reader want more and allows you to follow up on the article in future newsletters.
It also leaves the reader interested and possibly wanting to contact you to discuss the issues further.
4. Use bullet points
When you have multiple topics, use bullet points rather than writing a lot of paragraphs.
This allows the reader to scan for information quickly.
5. Feature pull-out quotes
When someone has something important to say in the article, and it is a great point, pull it aside in the design.
Make it more significant than the regular text by using it as a graphic, not in the article itself.
Pull quotes provide a teaser that entices the reader into the story.
6. Have someone edit your articles
Don't rely on your own wits here.
You will need to have another person edit your articles and layout. It's hard to catch your own mistakes all the time.
And sometimes, you need another set of eyes on an article in case something needs to be clarified. You might know what you mean, but someone else might not. This is just good practice.
7. Make sure there's a call to action (CTA)
There needs to be a place (or places) where you encourage the reader to take an action that moves them through your sales funnel.
Call-to-action examples include visiting your store, contacting you for a consultation, signing up for your email list, or making a purchase today.
The point of doing a newsletter is to build the business.
Contact us today to learn about our professional paper, color, and design options for your next print newsletter!
To contact Chuck Gherman, Theresa Kauser or Veronica Carter for more information about how Printing Arts Press powered by PROforma can help organizations with their Marketing and Human Resource needs through promotion and print communications please visit
#Print #Directmail #Marketing #Mail #Banners #Publications #Postcards #PromotionalMerchandise #BrandedApparel #Catalogs #HRmanuals
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