One of most beloved sitcoms of the 1990s, Boy Meets World was a coming-of-age show about suburban kids, Cory; his best friend, Shawn; his girlfriend and future wife, Topanga; and his brother, Eric. Throughout the show, the characters faced difficulties, important life decisions, and sometimes struggled to make sense of the world around them.
Like all teenagers and young adults, they looked for people they could confide in, who would help them make the right decision and correct their path when they didn't make the best choices. The characters found this in Mr. Feeny, a school teacher who also happened to be Cory's neighbor. In becoming their mentor, Mr. Feeny also had a profound effect on many people who tuned into the show each week.
Although most of the people who once spent their evenings engrossed in episodes and reruns of Boy Meets World are now seasoned adults, experienced in the business world, the life lessons Mr. Feeny taught an entire generation are far from forgotten. Here are just a few quotes from the popular teacher that sum up his wisdom.
Life and Business Lessons from Mr. Feeny
"Sometimes a sure thing is not the best thing."
In business, it can be very tempting to take the easy road: to keep running the exact same marketing campaigns and contacting the same people, knowing you'll get at least a certain amount of response. This is taking the easy way out. To be successful, however, you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Keep what works, but expand and be willing to venture off the beaten path and find new ways to grow.
"You don't have to be blood to be family."
Being successful in business and in life is all about building relationships. Relationships should be built on mutual trust and knowing that a friend will always be there for you, just as you will be there for them. Maintaining close bonds with people encourages us to grow as individuals and can help us succeed in the business world. No one can succeed entirely on their own. Instead, they must work to nurture relationships and develop connections with others within their industry.
"Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good."
This quote aptly sums up what is required of entrepreneurs and business leaders alike. No company is going to be successful if the leaders don't believe in what the the group is capable of accomplishing. They must all be able to envision a successful future and be willing to take the steps to make that dream a reality.
Business leaders need to continually try new things and not be afraid to dive back in if an initial plan is not successful. At the same time, no matter how successful a company may be, they cannot forget to think about others. This means operating with a general compassion for their community and those around them. This may take more energy than just running a yearly canned food drive, but will go much further in creating a pleasant place to work and fostering a healthy, positive spirit. This spirit can take the business far.
A mentor for all people, old and young, Mr. Feeny lives on in the memories of countless fans of Boy Meets World. While the lessons he gave may have been oriented toward leading children and adolescents into adulthood, they're just as valuable for professionals working to succeed in the business world. It would do us all some good to remember the life advice of Mr. Feeny.
Posted by Chuck Gherman
To contact Chuck Gherman for more information about how Printing Arts Press helps organizations transform their marketing with print communications please visit
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