Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Top Tips for Improving the Effectiveness of Your Newsletter

Newsletters have a proven track record for creating front-of-mind awareness, establishing and maintaining credibility, and publicizing an organization to the community. Here are a few tips to improve the effectiveness of your newsletter:
  • Become a resource by including how-to articles, helpful industry tips and tricks, and links to other articles and podcasts that may be of interest to your audience.
  • Feature a special offer or promotion in each issue to track your newsletter results.
  • Include a customer testimonial section to highlight customers who are finding success using your products or services. This will not only boost your credibility, but also increase customer visibility.
  • Offer subscribers a "sneak peak" at new products. This will make them feel special and encourage them to spread the word about their insider knowledge.
  • Create an "Ask the Expert" section, featuring industry experts to answer customer questions. Include the name and business of the customer who asks the featured question.
  • Keep track of customer/recipient birthdays and send them a free birthday giveaway or discount.
  • Provide highlights from an online customer portal or discussion board where customers can chat about industry trends, new products, and other relevant issues. Include a web link, and encourage newsletter readers to join in the discussions.
  • Commit to a regular schedule. Readers will look forward to and expect your newsletter, so inform them if you take a hiatus from the regular routine.
  • Post current and archived issues on your website with a link to subscribe.
Give us a call today if you'd like to see examples or need more ideas for creating a newsletter that your audience will look forward to receiving. Our creative experts would love to help.

Posted by Chuck Gherman

To contact Chuck Gherman for more information about how Printing Arts Press helps organizations with employee and customer newsletters or other print communications please visit www.printingartspress.com

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